Wednesday, 2 April 2008

Insects at a Theme Park

On Sunday 30th March, we Tom decided to go to Bewilderwood in the Norfolk Broads for his belated Birthday treat.
This is an 'eco-friendly' theme park in a wood and bog complex. It is based around a theme of some imaginary creatures called 'Boggles' and 'Twiggles' and their adventures. The website is at It is not too bad as theme Parks go. The food is pretty good - makes a change!
The weather was much better than it had been the previous week. In fact it was so nice that numerous insects were about. There were at least 5 species of Ladybird - 7-spot, 10-spot, Larch, Pine and Eyed. Also several Brimstone and Peacock butterflies.
Lots of stoneflies were flying. I decided they were Nemoura cinerea. Unfortunately, we did not take a camera.

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