Wednesday, 23 April 2008

Rumblings of Spring

It has been a while since the last post, so I thought I should put something down!

Spring finally seems to be trying to burst through. This means that Bumble Bees and Butterflies are finally around. We visited my parents in Kent and saw a few Butterflies including a Clouded Yellow at Samphire Hoe, Folkestone. This seemed early to me. The picture of the Clouded Yellow shown here was taken on holiday in Corsica some years ago.
Over the last few days, Beeflies and Anthophora Flower Bees have also been around.

Wednesday, 2 April 2008

Insects at a Theme Park

On Sunday 30th March, we Tom decided to go to Bewilderwood in the Norfolk Broads for his belated Birthday treat.
This is an 'eco-friendly' theme park in a wood and bog complex. It is based around a theme of some imaginary creatures called 'Boggles' and 'Twiggles' and their adventures. The website is at It is not too bad as theme Parks go. The food is pretty good - makes a change!
The weather was much better than it had been the previous week. In fact it was so nice that numerous insects were about. There were at least 5 species of Ladybird - 7-spot, 10-spot, Larch, Pine and Eyed. Also several Brimstone and Peacock butterflies.
Lots of stoneflies were flying. I decided they were Nemoura cinerea. Unfortunately, we did not take a camera.