Saturday, 21 February 2015

World Pangolin Day

To continue the non-insect theme, today is World Pangolin Day.

This annual event is intended to highlight the plight of these endangered mammals. they are apparently the most trafficked animals in the world and the Asian species are threatened with extinction.

More on:

Current reading matter

I know it is not insects, but I am currently reading a great book on frogs.
The book is 'In Search of Lost Frogs' by Robin Moore, published by Bloomsbury.
It tells the story of how the crisis in amphibian extinctions triggered a campaign to try to rediscover species that had not been seen for decades. It is fast paced, serious and reasonably optimistic. It is also full of exquisite photographs of frogs.

This has also inspired me to try to improve the garden and fields for amphibians. We regularly have newts but few toads and no frogs. So log piles are going in near the ponds and I am going to see what else I can do to tempt some frogs to breed.

Tuesday, 17 February 2015

Help save a rare endemic from extinction

Buglife are trying to highlight the plight of a rare spider.
It is under threat from cynical developers (no surprise there).
Please help.
The link to the fundraising page is:
Update 7/3/15: The project was overfunded, so the surveys look like they will go ahead.